Eastbourne September 2009 Ok, so this isn't really "our" travels as there was no Richard present, but the journal helped him visualise what the holiday was like. Over to the journal... So it begins... Jaine is going to Eastbourne with her parents and brother. They are travelling down by coach and are staying full board at the Queens Hotel on the prom! There will be excursions!! Jaine and her mother are to be "roomies"!!! It will be an interesting trip... The day before the trip Jaine arrived back "at base" after a lovely few days, with Richard, housesitting for Janet and Andy in Chorley. All she had to do now was to pack - she had a weight limit of 33lbs and was, quite unbelievably, under her allowance by the time everything was packed. She had to get to her parents by 08:45 the next day, so an early-ish night was in order! It's a long way to Eastbourne The journey down took about seven hours all told, including ...